age dependency ratio meaning in Chinese
- The age dependency ratio - the ratio of the young and the aged to people of age 15 to 64 - dropped from 433 to 387 per 1 000 over the decade
抚养比率(即年幼及年老人士与15至64岁人口的比率) ,由一九八八年的千分之四三三降至一九九八年的千分之三八七。 - The age dependency ratio , i . e . the ratio of the young and the aged to people in the age group of 15 to 64 , dropped from 403 per 1 000 in 1996 to 396 per
抚养比率(即幼童及长者与15至64岁人士的比率) ,由一九九六年的千分之四零三降至二零零零的千分之三九六。